Why can’t I get healthy?
Many times in this world we search and search for ways to make us feel better, be more healthy or be a different weight. Someone else has the answer for me. I want anything but how I feel now. We buy supplements, try diet fads and fail at getting where we want to go. Why does this happen?
We are humans with strong energy bodies that are impacted by not only our physical bodies, but by how we feel and think. The core to healing is a path to understanding our internal processes that promote our feeling off balance and adjusting them in the direction we want to go. Each of us has immense power. We do have the ability to make these changes.
How to you treat you? Are you loving and supportive to yourself? Do you understand (as you already do who you are at the core of your being) who you are? You are not how others judge or perceive you. You are not how your parents raised you. You are not ANYTHING but how you define you to be TO YOURSELF. Your internal messages about who you are define the state you experience within your body.